Avoid Becoming Victim of Investment Scams
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute presents Seniors - How to Avoid Becoming a Victim of Investment Scams
FREE (pre-registration required)
This session with Lisa Trueba Roberts will provide information on how seniors can avoid becoming victims of investment fraud. The presentation will include an overview of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), offer strategies for smart investing, tips to avoid fraud, and planning for diminished capacity. Attendees will learn how the SEC protects investors, who to call if they suspect that they have been offered an investment that may be fraudulent, and details about the SEC website www.investor.gov which has investor alerts about current fraudulent schemes and other important information.
Lisa Trueba Roberts is the chief attorney advisor at the Miami Regional Office U.S. SEC. Roberts has been an attorney with the SEC for over 25 years. She supervises the investor assistance specialist and conducts financial literacy outreach on behalf of the agency to promote the commission’s mission to protect investors.

Date and Time
Friday Jan 26, 2024
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM EST
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