Dream Work Practice
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute presents Dream Work Practice: Exploring the Power of the Symbolic
$55 (plus $25 OLLI membership required)
For anyone interested in their own dream analysis, this is an introduction to dream work practices that will help you begin the process of translating your dreams. Bring at least one dream or your dream journal, paper and pens and even colored pencils to this hands-on workshop to begin tending to your dreams.
Participants will have an opportunity to share a dream in a small group to practice listening to dreams symbolically as well as attending to the associations of various images or patterns that may be occurring in their personal lives. Understanding how to explore images with a metaphoric lens and archetypal perspective will be a key part of this workshop. Exploring the etymology (or root) of the words or the living images that present in dreams will help to unpack the significant and profound messages that come to us each night. Join us on this journey to the dream world.

Date and Time
Friday Mar 1, 2024
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM EST
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